
If you’re like me, you get wrapped in things you are trying to accomplish, even when most of your time is spent with work that is not in-line with what you want. 

Take a break. Make sure you are doing things that you like to do. Things that relax you. Things that interest you. If you do not know what interests you have, that is a perfect time to take a break to find out. 
I was out of town for work this week, by myself, and decided to take advantage of my time by doing things I don’t normally get to do. I made friends with some people that were there from all over the US and decided to hangout with them over a 3 day period. There wasn’t much do in the small town we were in so it wasn’t hard to want to do something else, but we had to drive a ways to do anything. 
I hadn’t played golf in at least 8yrs, so when a couple guys asked if I wanted to, I couldn’t agree fast enough. It was cheap, convenient and wasted some time I had had available, and there was no pressure to be good, which benefits me because I am not. I actually planned on heading out to a place in the middle of nowhere for what was advertised as an amazing steak with another group, but couldn’t pass on a little exercise. Key word, little. 
I decided I’d take a trip out the land of steak on the last night I would be in town, but there was no way I was missing it. I found out another guy that was there alone wanted to go too but didn’t want to go alone, so we made it a date. On the way out we made a stop by some gigantic satellites. It was also the first time I had seen wildlife that didn’t include bats, roaches, and jack rabbits. 
The first full day I was there we went to some old fort, which wasn’t much of a fort, way out in the middle of nowhere. Finding something in the middle of nowhere, of the middle of nowhere is actually not to easy. On the way back we stopped at a “restaurant” that featured on FOOD Network. 
I wasn’t there for a vacation but figured I would probably never be there again, so why would I pass on the experiences I may never have. 
The countryside was beautiful and the steak was fantastic. Everything outside if this little town was great. It felt good to get away from what I had planned, to actually enjoy my time with new friends, and to just get out. 
Now, my wife didn’t seem to happy that I treated it like vacation since she wasn’t there, but she gets plenty of time to do things she wants so I want give it another thought. 
Take care of you, so that you can take care of others. Life is about balance. When is the last time you checked your balance? Wether its wealth, or wellth, you need to make sure you are managing it better. Even if you think its good, I’m sure you can find ways to make it better. 

A Wellthy brain is something you cannot replace.

I choose to not sit still. Just when I free up some time from educating myself, I find something else to educate myself on. It is not that I can’t sit still, its that I choose not to. My brain will keep running, thinking of things that can get me into trouble, so I keep it occupied with building wellth, so that I can build wealth.

I completed another certification in something that can help people live healthier lives. I love learning things that can extend life, or make short lives happier, but I don’t often move in a different direction to learn things that I am not so good at. I am away on training for two of the next 3 weeks and decided to do just that. I do not know a lot about computers, and the awful things that people choose to do with them, like steal others identities to profit from them. Because I don’t know that much, I have chosen to dedicate much of those off hours to learning more about IT, Information Technologies. Anything you learn can end up helping in an area you are already pretty proficient. Its all about seeing the same side of a coin from a different angle.

Anything you do to learn helps the cells in your brain and body grow. That growth helps in the stimulation of new cells that are formed to replace the ones that are dying out. Remember, if you are not moving forward, you may not be moving backwards, but others are moving ahead. I am heading to a life of possibilities that  could include the worst forms of dementia, cancer or any number of diseases or disorders that are claiming our futures. Even though I eat relatively healthy and am relatively active, I, like a large number of the world’s population live a life of stress. And for too many, like myself, who have careers in fields that are focused on the welfare of others, the stress is in overwhelming favor of shorter, painful lives.

Create Wellth that can improve your quality of life, no matter what you do. Focus on your sleep, your nutrition, creating new habits of exercise and positive emotion. No matter what you believe, the life you have now is the only one you are guaranteed and what you can pass on is the only legacy you will ever have.

What are you worth? What is your WELLTH? What is the wellth you will pass on to those who are watching and learning from you? Learn something new and smile at someone you don’t know, each day. You never know what e/affect it will have on tomorrow.

Live well today for a brighter tomorrow.

Building Wellth

Understand that there is a difference, besides spelling, between obtaining Wellth and, Wealth. It is likely you will come to value your wellth more than any wealth you can accumulate.

We have constructed our lives around what minimizes our stress, by creating more stress. We need a roof over our head, food on our tables, and clothes on our backs. These 3 needs can create a great deal of stress depending on where we choose to live, or are forced to.

The stresses we allow to affect us are how we control our wellth. We have built stress while taking away sleep. These two factors are the main cause of our change in eating habits. The change that comes from any of these factors leads to the decline in our emotional and mental health, along with our obvious physical health.

Awareness is the key to making any changes that need to be made. Paying attention to our physical and mental markers of health will lead to quick responses and maintenance of our overall health.

This is only the beginning. I have been off of social media and away from sharing any blogs because I have been trying to do good things for different groups of people in our society. I keep learning new things and transferring them to programs, but not sharing them here. I may not be your go to, or only source of health, and I shouldn’t be, but I do want to grow that knowledge, share it, and be the brand you go to and share with those you love.

I am now a Certified Sleep Science Coach. What does that mean? Well….. it only means whatever I can turn it into. I want to make people’s lives better. Because that is a seamlessly endless endeavor, I continue to seek the most important aspects or, failures we face, to make that happen. Learning about physical fitness and nutrition is a daily update, so that will always continue, just as anything advanced with nutrition. The basics of nutrition will always be the same. I decided to switch my main research to psychology for those reasons. You can coach someone to exercise and eat in specific ways but what affects them on a daily basis will always intrude on good habits. Knowing how to help those internal areas will always be more important than trying to have someone focus on the external desires and needs because of that.

I decided to take it another step further and learn about sleep brings our wellth down, and how improving on sleep can grow us to unimaginable new heights. This is more true in terms of those who work late shifts or try to fit in exercise or eating before bed, because they are taking care of their families after getting off of work. Yes, there are more important things than getting our health in order…… right????????

Remember to put your oxygen mask on first

Body basics and knowing what you’re changing for the New Year 🎉

Whether your goal is to lose weight, get stronger, or just be healthier and happier in general (my personal favorite), you need to know what gets you those results without going into it blindly, or worse, with someone else’s plan. We do not all have the same plan and even fewer have the same bodies. 

Here are the 4 areas of health and where their loyalties lie in your plans:


  • Metabolism
  • Strength
  • Immune system
  • Muscle
  • Stress
  • Circulatory system
  • Sleep
  • Survival


  • Weight management
  • Immune system
  • Sleep
  • Digestive system


  • Stress
  • Motivation
  • Control
  • Immune system
  • Survival
  • Sleep
  • Focus


  • Motivation
  • Control
  • Stress
  • Focus

To have a full, happy life, you need balance in all 4 categories. Remember, Spirituality does not mean that your understanding and/or belief in a God is strong. Spirituality means that what you believe in is strong within you and you maitain faith that you’re doing the right thing, and you’re focused on what drives you.

For those who are looking to lose weight, understand that nutrition is the absolute, 💯% success/failure factor. If you do not understand that what you put into your body is the absolute key to a healthy weight, you have already failed. There are many dimensions to what understanding entails, but its really quite simple when you see it on a board from a distance. Quality and quantity matter. 

Exercise is a great tool for weight loss but it is not the purpose for it. Exercise has a few different drawers in the tool box, but none of them are labeled under the weight loss category. Here are a few ways it helps and why it is important:

  • Making muscles bigger burns fat in that area faster
  • Muscle creates shape and tightens the skin in those areas
  • 1 small meal can erase all of the calories burned during exercise you’ve completed in an entire day
  • Exercise reduces stress, maintains metabolism levels, and aids in sleep patterns
  • Strengthening the body(not necessarily growing muscle) helps to stave off injuries that cause stress throughout the body
  • Doing cardiovascular exercise helps the circulatory systems and immune systems in the body, which also reduce stress throughout the body
  • Exercising helps keep the ability to make quick decisions in times of stress, including survival stages. 
  • Stretching, Yoga, Pilates, etc…. are huge benefits for growing muscle, maintaining mobility and flexibilty during strength and daily movements, as well as reducing stress on the body(loose muscles are strong muscles).

I will continue this with serparate posts on the other areas but finish with the importance of reducing stress, or eliminating it completely. If you don’t know much about stress or its complications in life, I’ll make it simple and give you a quick demonstration. 

Stress is very complicated, but explaining what it does is very easy. Stress is constrictor. Think of it as a snake that can wrap around your body and sufficate you to death. I’m not exaggerating. 

Introducing stress into your life is like inviting a Boa Constrictor into your home at night. You can go to sleep and not wake up, and you never know when its going to just wrap you up while you’re sleeping. Stress can constrict your muscles, including your heart, as well as your internal organs, and you don’t even realize that its pushing blood into other places in your body that are being filled with unwanted chemicals. Stress is the number one killer in the world. It causes more people to do things that are hazardous, as well not to do anything at all which destroys the mind. 

Financial stress not relieved can turn into physical stress on your body and emotional stress on your relationships, and on and on…… How stressed are you right now without even recognizing it?

-Sit up right in a chair with your hands out to your sides. 

-Close your eyes and think about the best meal you’ve ever had, or the best bottle of wine. You get the picture. 

-Focus on that and take a deep breath, then exhale

-Take a slow deep breath in until you feel your lungs expand to their maximum, then slowly exhale(repeat this 5x while thinking of something you utterly enjoyed inyour life)

-Take another deep breath in and exhale, just as you began the exercise, and take note of how your posture and body changed. 

This breathing exercise can fall into the spiritual category of your health and effects the Mental and Exercise categories as well. You can also effect the Nutrition category if you use this technique, or others, when you feel like you are hungry. Often times you eat out of boredom and that is what causes weight gain.

Drink your water and know your body. Its your wellth on the line